Latest Episodes

MS 23: The Hope
Today’s reading is based on Book One.

MS22: The Secret of Evolution
Today’s reading is based on Book 10 Canto 4 where Sri Aurobindo reveals to us how the Truth hidden at the base of creation...

MS21: Of Past Hopes and Future Dawns
Today’s reading is based on Savitri Book 10, Canto 4.

MS20: Silence and Speech
Today’s reading is based on Savitri Book 7, Canto 7 describing the speech that flows from the summits of being in a state of...

MS 19: The Passage of Thought
Today’s reading is based on Savitri Book Seven, Canto Six describing the path of Intuition as it enters the brain.

MS18: The Voice of Light
Today’s reading continues with Book 7 Canto 6 wherein the voice of Light chases away the Voice of Night. Savitri listens to the Voice...